New services from Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa show the rapid evolution of metabot platforms — including those Google Home / Assistant, Apple Siri, Samsung Bixby — as each vie for primacy among intelligent assistants.
Mobile + Location
Webinar: “Getting Voice Biometrics Authentication Right in Financial Services”
On Thursday, June 8th, join Interactions and Opus Research as they describe the steps that financial service companies should take to incorporate voice biometrics authentication into the customer care experience.
Intelligent Assistants Conference London 2017 – Agenda & Presentations
Hosted by Opus Research, IA Conference London 2017 featured leading brands and enterprises, including Dixons Carphone, Amazon, Skyscanner, T-Mobile, Google, BGl Group, HSBC and others, defining the role of intelligent assistants as ubiquitous, conversational user interfaces.
Beyond the Bot Hype: Intelligent Assistants Conference London Is One Week Away
Featured case studies and presenters from leading brands & enterprises: HSBC, Google, BGL Group, Capgemini, Dixon’s Carphone, Amazon, T-Mobile, Enfield Council, Motability Operations, and more
Experienced Executives Talk about Intelligent Assistants’ Impact on CX (and Their Bottom Lines)
With “voice-first” devices in 10 million homes answering to “Alexa”, “OK Google” or simply “Computer”, the #IAConfLondon is the place to meet the people that are defining the best ways to incorporate Intelligent Assistants into your customer care strategies.
Webinar: “Building the ‘Magic Box’: Successfully Implementing Intelligent Assistants”
In this free webinar on April 6th, Opus Research and CX Company will demystify what AI and machine learning means for your organization and identify key steps in building an intelligent assistance strategy to deliver cost savings and a better customer experience.
Santander Unveils Voice Payment Technology for Mobile Banking App
Santander releases an updated SmartBank app becoming the first UK banking firm to deploy voice payment technology to enable customers to make transfers using voice and taking steps to deliver a future banking experience.
MindMeld Report Clears Confusion about Approaches to Intelligent Assistance
Long-time natural language understanding specialist MindMeld releases a “Conversational AI Playbook” defining four distinctly different technical approaches for building apps that utilize a conversational UI.
Opus Research Report: Decision Makers’ Guide to Enterprise Intelligent Assistants
Opus Research presents a comprehensive assessment of the current Intelligent Assistant (IA) and bot solution provider landscape with special focus on 28 vendors offering “enterprise-grade” solutions, accounting for over 2,700 deployments of intelligent assistants among 1,200 customers.
Baidu’s Recent Hire of AI Expert Signals Commitment to Bot Technology and Intelligent Assistants
With the hiring of former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qu Li, Baidu is making a significant push into building products and services for conversational bots, smart home assistants and self-driving cars.