Webinar: “Building the ‘Magic Box’: Successfully Implementing Intelligent Assistants”

With ever-mounting pressure on customer service, customer experience and digital transformation executives to deliver self-service and automation strategies, many solution providers claim to have a “magic box” solution combining artificial intelligence (AI) with machine learning-fueled chatbot technologies. It should be very simple, right? And it is, if you’re armed with an understanding of core technologies and realistic expectations.

In this free webinar, Opus Research and representatives from CX Company, will demystify what AI and machine learning means for your organization and identify key steps in building an intelligent assistance strategy to deliver both cost savings and a better customer experience.

On Thursday, April 6th, join Dan Miller, lead analyst & founder at Opus Research, and Wim Rampen, Dirk Jan Dokman, and Jeroen Brouwers with CX Company, as they discuss the following:

  • What is the “magic box” solution? How to distinguish promised capabilities (hype) from what can actually be delivered in realistic timeframes
  • What do you need artificial intelligence for? Determining whether it complements, rather than replaces, employees
  • What about my people? Addressing personnel and organizational issue, while building a business case
  • Does my knowledge base make the grade? Assessing what existing info can support intelligent assistance, where it resides and how to aggregate it
  • Where do I start? how does this grow? Conforming to a technology maturity model
  • What are the necessary steps to achieve a greater ROI? Can I afford to do this? Can I afford not to?

Thursday, April 6, 2017 — 8:00 a.m. PT / 11:00 a.m. ET / 16:00 GMT

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Articles, Mobile + Location

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