Announcing Place London 2014, The Business Summit on Indoor Location

Opus Research is proud to announce that Place, the premier global venue for education, opinion and partnership development for the indoor location industry, will be hosted in London, England on November 17, 2014 at the Tower Hotel.

Place London offers a unique opportunity to learn, discuss and strategize how indoor traffic analytics, combined with mobile and online data, empowers business intelligence and consumer engagement.

Among the many topics for discussion at Place London 2014 include:

  • How sensor and indoor location technologies go beyond door-counting to precisely locate customers.
  • Understand how analytics and indoor traffic data help optimize business operations as well as create opportunities for proximity-based marketing.
  • What are the most current privacy issues and policies for retailers?
  • What’s at stake in the convergence of omni-channel marketing with indoor, in-store digital advertising strategies.

  • The London event will bring together retailers, consumer brands, advertisers, technology companies and investors interactive panel discussion and keynote case studies for the only event of its kind.

    As with previous Place Conferences in San Francisco and New York City, space is limited. For more information, check out or visit Opus Research.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles, Mobile + Location

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