Announcing the 2018 Conversational Commerce Conference Global Series

Opus Research, the firm that coined the term “Conversational Commerce,” is proud to announce the launch of a series of conferences that tackle real-world opportunities and challenges of Intelligent Assistance and Intelligent Authentication.

Through lively keynotes, panel discussions and case studies, we will go far beyond vague references to “Artificial Intelligence,” “Digital Commerce” and Multi-Modal Authentication to define specific ways in which today’s solutions providers can help businesses and brands introduce Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Conversational Analytics and Frictionless Authentication into customer engagement and digital self-service strategies that incorporate bots, virtual agents, digital employees and intelligent assistants.

Since 2007, Opus Research has organized and produced global, industry-defining events with keynotes, panels and case studies featuring executives from digital giants such as Google, Amazon, and Facebook; and global brands including Coca-Cola, Samsung, HSBC, FedEx, BMW, T-Mobile, Shell Corporation, Ticketmaster, Domino’s and many others, bringing together enterprises, customers, solutions providers, and technology vendors to foster new business opportunities in emerging markets.

Our treatment of Conversational Commerce is parsed into two major areas:

  • Intelligent Assistance (IA): The transformation of “self-service” from call avoidance to user control. Today’s technologies enable individuals to use their own spoken and typed words to take command of their digital services at their time of choice and using their device of choice.
  • Intelligent Authentication (IAuth): The key to secure, personal and trusted commerce enabled by a combination of opti-channel, frictionless and continuous, multi-modal authentication spanning voice, physical (finger, face, iris) and behavioral factors together with emerging identity and access management techniques.

The First, Best and Most Distinguished Events on the Conversational Commerce Calendar
To continue in this rich tradition, Opus Research is proud to announce the 2018 Conversational Commerce Conference Series showcasing global efforts to improve digital self-service in the growth of mobile, omnichannel and multimodal communications and commerce that provide a secure, personalized customer experience.

First up in the conference series includes stops in London (May 8-9):

… and then San Francisco:

Join the Conversational Commerce community and play a part in defining the role of intelligent assistants and intelligent authentication in providing a seamless, secure, personalized customer experience.

Peter Headrick
[email protected]

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Intelligent Authentication, Articles, Mobile + Location