IAC 2015 is the only global event to showcase real-world case studies depicting how people are naturally turning to intelligent assistants for speedy resolution of their queries through web chat, mobile apps, IVRs and contact center agents.
Intelligent Assistants
IBM Watson: A Force Multiplier for Intelligent Assistance
The epicenter of IBM Watson’s developer support efforts (as well as the headquarters for its Watson-based Commerce efforts) is moving to San Francisco
Five Reasons Why Intelligent Assistants Are Vital For Your Customer Experience Infrastructure
Customer experience professionals must be poised to take advantage of intelligent assistants or automated chat agents that provide personalized service and superior customer care.
Duer and Siri for Apple TV Showcase How Intelligent Assistants Support Transactions
Baidu’s Duer marries the work that Baidu has done in speech recognition with search services that support the “parsing” of spoken input and indexed Web content.
Microsoft’s VoloMetrix Acquisition Foreshadows Enterprise Intelligent Advisors
By adding operational analytics specialist VoloMetrix, Microsoft now has the opportunity to deliver future enterprise use cases where insightful, intelligent advisors optimize meeting planning and increase employee productivity.
PARC, Doc Searls and Facebook Join Impressive Agenda for Intelligent Assistants Conference
IAC 2015 features executives from leading brands describing how virtual assistants for web chat, mobile apps, contact centers and e-commerce increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs and meet tangible business objectives.
Facebook Launches M, the Mobile, Messenger-Based Intelligent Assistant That Taps Human Expertise
Facebook soft-launches an intelligent virtual assistant embedded within the company’s Messenger iOS and Android apps that combines artificial intelligence with human-supervised assistance.
SpeechTek Conference Reflections: Disruption, Transformation & Intelligent Assistance
At this year’s SpeechTek several speakers and exhibitors made a strong case for “business transformation,” as opposed to disruption.
Intelligent Assistants Awards Honor Best-in-Class Automated Self-Service Systems
Three winners will be awarded at Intelligent Assistants Conference (Oct 13-14) that show innovation, prove business value and deliver a superior customer experience.
Enterprise Intelligent Assistants are Everywhere!
You don’t need an Intelligent Assistant of your own to tell you that the age of Intelligent Assistance is already upon us (although it could). The work they are doing for millions of customers of hundreds of firms in dozens of countries speaks for itself.