Voicebot Acceptance: Exceeding Customer Expectations

The technology for recognizing the words that a person says has achieved unprecedented accuracy. It is augmented by advancements in AI and Machine Learning that make it possible to understand the meaning of spoken words, arrive at the intent of the speaker and respond with the appropriate responses.

This should be the golden age of voicebots. The evolution of technology to support high-quality, useful voice assistants is stellar. The biggest barrier to acceptance is a lag in usage based on a mismatch between the technology’s core capabilities and human expectations. The problem is winning over skeptics whose past experience taints their present expectations and doubters with low expectations for voicebots and virtual assistants.

In this whitepaper, Opus Research offers advice to brands and enterprises building intelligent virtual assistants and voicebots to tackle users’ hesitancy head on. Included is a checklist for “Voice Assistant Acceptance” that emphasizes how successful companies will focus on conversations that culminate in completed tasks.

Thanks to solutions from companies like PolyAI, brands can shift their attention from technical challenges — such as tools, training, accuracy and APIs — to core behavioral challenges that promote adoption and repeat use.

Please fill out the brief form below to download this free Opus Research whitepaper.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, White Papers, Intelligent Assistants, Articles

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