Managed CX: Techniques for Managing Your Digital Transformation

As enterprises across all verticals rise to the challenge of getting new customers, completing more sales, and satisfying existing customers, the idea of “Digital Transformation” may be far from their minds. Yet we all know that Digital Transformation is crucial to stay competitive and communicate with customers on the channels of their choice.

Investing in personnel and technologies (including AI, analytics, and automation) to bridge the digital divide customers and prospects created is now mandatory. Today’s businesses are required to apply resources to become digitally savvy, and at the same time, “customer-centric, omnichannel, conversational, and empathetic.”

In this whitepaper (free to download) by Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder with Opus Research, delves into how “managed customer engagement” helps you succeed with Digital Transformation initiatives by overcoming cross-departmental hurdles to connect technology silos, integrating Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence (AI + HI), and what it takes to find the right partner.

Please fill out the brief form below to download this free Opus Research whitepaper.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, White Papers, Intelligent Assistants, Articles