Webinar: Action Plan for ASR – Applications for Conversational Intelligence

Automated speech recognition (ASR) technologies — including conferencing platforms and improved call center technology — have emerged as a critical way for businesses to stay connected with customers and provide business value from conversational data.

Businesses are just scratching the surface when it comes to employing the insights derived from speedy, accurate automated speech recognition.

In the second part of this webinar series (Tuesday, April 6th), Dan Miller, lead analyst & founder with Opus Research, and Derek Top, research director, join Scott Stephenson, CEO of Deepgram, to describe real-world conversational intelligence applications in contact centers, collaboration platforms and beyond.

With confidence in accurate transcription, you’ll hear how businesses derive value from ASR solutions including how to:

  • Streamline development processes (capturing, indexing collaboration content)
  • Automate customer care and support (voicebots)
  • Promote customer retention (sentiment recognition)
  • Secure and personalize conversations
  • Comply with privacy regulation (scripting and redaction)

Register for this live video chat above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts