Webinar: “Delivering Business Value with Automated Speech Recognition”

Opus Research recently fielded a survey of 400 decision-makers seeking to assess how businesses view speech recognition technologies used to capture, transcribe and analyze conversations.

The global survey scross 8 industries centered on current and planned uses of “automated speech recognition” technologies, specifically “speech-to-text conversion” deployed in conjunction with natural language understanding or speech analytics.

Many businesses are finding “accuracy” is table stakes for ASR-based solutions. Firms are putting a premium on real-time analytics and flexible deployment options.

In this live, interactive webinar (Wednesday, March 17th), Dan Miller, lead analyst & founder with Opus Research, and Derek Top, research director, join Shadi Baqleh, COO of Deepgram, to learn how businesses derive value from ASR solutions. Topics include:

  • Exclusive data from a global survey of 400 business decision-makers
  • Combining voice recognition with search, commerce, and automation
  • Why implementations are largely use case driven
  • Redefining “voice of the customer” (i.e. better listening and intent recognition)

Register for this live video chat above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Articles

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  1. Webinar: “Delivering Business Value with Automated Speech Recognition” | – Opus Research – World News