Conversational Commerce Conference London: Spotlight on Intelligent Assistance and Intelligent Authentication

Since 2014, Opus Research has been hosting the best forum for executives from leading brands, technology providers and thought leaders to gather under one roof to network, share insights and showcase efforts that tackle real-world opportunities and challenges of Intelligent Assistance and Intelligent Authentication.

Building off the tremendous success of last year’s Intelligent Assistants Conference, Conversational Commerce Conference London (8-9 May) will go beyond the AI hype and silliness to define specific ways leading enterprises and brands are introducing Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Conversational Marketing and Continuous Authentication into customer engagement and digital self-service strategies that incorporate bots, virtual agents, digital employees and intelligent assistants.

Through real-world case studies and timely panel discussions, Conversational Commerce Conference London (8-9 May) will address:

  • Getting started: How to hire, train and manage digital employees
  • Going “opti-channel”: Reaching prospects and customers through all conversational devices and channels
  • Fourth-Factor Authentication: Make way for secure, trusted, friction-free commerce through continuous authentication at every stage of the customer journey
  • Building a business case: Accounting for classic cost savings as well as revenue enhancement achieved through Virtual Agents and Intelligent Assistants
  • Leveraging existing business processes and infrastructure: Incorporating existing IT, Mobile, Contact Center and IVR resources
  • Hands-on workshops on hot topics: What GDPR means to your business; Demystifying AI; Conversational VUI design; Operationalizing Intelligent Authentication
  • Introducing Conversational Marketing: For brands to engage with customers on messaging platforms for personal, one-to-one communications

Super early-bird rate for Conversational Commerce Conference London ends January 31st. Be sure to register now!

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Intelligent Authentication, Articles, Mobile + Location