Redefining Digital Self-Service and the Customer Experience | C3 London May 2018

Opus Research, the firm that coined the term “Conversational Commerce,” is proud to announce the launch of a London conference that tackles real-world opportunities and challenges of Intelligent Assistance and Intelligent Authentication.

Building off the tremendous success of last year’s Intelligent Assistants Conference, Conversational Commerce Conference London (May 8-9, 2018) will go beyond the AI hype to define specific ways in which today’s solutions providers can help businesses and brands introduce Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Conversational Marketing and Frictionless Authentication into customer engagement and digital self-service strategies that incorporate bots, virtual agents, digital employees and intelligent assistants.

Call for Speakers
To participate in Conversational Commerce Conference London 2018, please send ideas for case studies or use cases that show how brands and enterprises:

  • Hire, train and manage digital employees
  • Reach prospects and customers through conversational devices and channels
  • Recognize intent and provide consistent responses at scale through virtual agents and Intelligent Assistants
  • Leverage existing business processes to directly support customers through conversational channels
  • Establish authentication procedures to support opti-channel customer journeys
  • Use conversational technologies to prevent fraud and promote trust

For more information, check out the C3 London website or contact:
Derek Top
Conference Director
e |
p | + 1-415-904-7666

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Intelligent Authentication, Articles, Mobile + Location