Don’t Miss A Great Opportunity to Attend Intelligent Assistants Conference San Francisco

This is true: Opus Research’s Intelligent Assistants Conference, which began in San Francisco in 2014, is the first, best and only event dedicated to digital self-service and intelligent assistants.

Today, Intelligent Assistants (IAs) are redefining digital commerce and customer care as enterprises introduce chatbots, virtual agents and smart assistants to provide an engaging customer experience using natural language understanding, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

The 2017 Intelligent Assistants Conference San Francisco (September 18-19, Mark Hopkins Hotel) unites Digital Strategy & Solutions, Customer Experience, Contact Center, Marketing, Digital Channels and Authentication & Security specialists to hear presentations and panel discussions to answer the challenges of:

  • Building the business case for intelligent assistants & chatbots
  • Accommodating Metabots: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, Samsung Bixby
  • Leveraging existing IVR, chat and contact center resources
  • Striking the balance between humans & machines
  • Promoting trust, security, privacy and personalization through intelligent assistants, bots and Intelligent Authentication

Opus Research is offering a “super-early bird rate” registration of just $399 to attend IA Conference San Francisco (Sept 18-19). This special rate, 50% off the full-conference registration fee, ends June 15th. Check the IA Conference website to register now.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Intelligent Authentication, Articles, Mobile + Location

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