inMarket Launches First-Ever iBeacon Platform To Target Apple Watch Mobile Shoppers

ibeacon-650x390Marsh Supermarkets and inMarket this week announced the launch of a new iBeacon platform targeted for delivering contextual information to mobile shoppers with an Apple Watch.

Apple Watch users will have the ability to receive interactive alerts and other content on their devices based on their proximity to beacons installed in 75 Marsh Supermarket stores throughout Indiana and Ohio.

Providers of in-store iBeacon networks, inMarket is offering an SDK that will enable the Marsh mobile shopping app and inMarket’s List Ease app, as well as the Apple Watch, to receive notifications and trigger alerts including promotional offers, recipes and best routes for navigating through stores with integrated shopping list content.

“iBeacons have created new ways to connect with mobile shoppers in the store, and inMarket allows us to reach many of our shoppers through the apps they love and use everyday,” said Amit Bhardwaj, Senior Director of Customer Loyalty, Marsh Supermarkets. “Now with wearable integration, shoppers who use Apple Watch will enjoy the same digitally-augmented, real-world shopping experience.”

The proximity application is opt-in and connects to mobile phones or Apple Watch with beacons placed through the store buildings. Here’s a demonstration from inMarket:

inMarket has demonstrated early proof-of-concept for in-store iBeacon marketing and already reaches 32 million monthly active users, according to comScore.

Last July at the Opus Research Place Conference 2014, inMarket presented a case study showing how in-store marketing has significant potential to generate brand awareness, purchase intent and sales lift.

In a partnership with Hillshire Brands and digital agency BPN, inMarket found mobile shoppers exposure to an in-store marketing campaign increasing purchasing intent by 21%, and brand awareness was boosted 36% according to BPN. 

Categories: Articles, Mobile + Location

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