Announcing VBC London 2014: The Voice Security & Authentication Conference

300x250VBC_London_2014Opus Research returns for VBC London 2014 (November 18-19, The Tower Hotel) to showcase a broad array of technologies that support simple, secure and trusted communications over the web, mobile phones and tablets.

Dubbed “The Voice Security & Authentication Conference,” VBC London 2014 brings together executives and decision-makers who are integrating voice into multi-layered and multi-factor communications for authentication and security fabrics.

These are exciting times for voice biometrics solutions providers, with Barclays rolling out “passive” voice-based authentication to its entire customer base, and rapid-fire introduction of services that combine voice with other biometrics on mobile devices.

VBC London 2014 will provide a single venue for attendees to take stock of solutions designed strengthen the bonds of trust between enterprises, government agencies and their customers and constituents.

This leading global industry event features case studies and real-world implementations that use voice biometrics, in conjunction with other technologies — including risk analytics, facial recognition, phone-printing and other device signatures — to lower the incidence and impact of phone-based fraud while making the world safe for mobile commerce, transaction authentication and cloud computing.

It’s where enterprise decision-makers convene:

  • To learn how your company, department, or agency can carry establish trusted lines of communications over the phone or Web
  • To identify secure, yet convenient ways to prevent fraudulent access to enterprise data or private networks
  • To determine how partners or competitors employ the latest multi-factor authentication technologies to pursue their mobility strategies
  • To see the latest products and services from a growing array of solutions providers

Attendees from past events include representatives from: Accenture, Barclays, Google, Citi, Wells Fargo, Standard Chartered, Australian Tax Office, Vodafone, Intel Corporation, Banco Santander, ING, HSBC, BBVA, Lockheed Martin, JP Morgan Chase, T-Mobile, RSA, UBS, DBS, OCBC, Raiffeisen Bank, Microsoft, Fidelity, Atos, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, IBM, Betfair, France Telecom, Standard Life, RBS, Unisys, Investec, Vanguard, L-1, and many more.

When registering be sure to take advantage of the “Super Early-Bird” rate (£349.00) to save 50% off full conference price (ends August 15th).

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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