Webcast Retrospective: Real World Use Cases for Voice Biometrics in the Cloud

With stepped up online and mobile commerce, exposure to Identity Fraud is on the rise. Join Opus Research, Voice Biometrics Group and Voxeo to learn how voice biometric-based solutions can help individuals counteract that trend. In this Webcast, we’ll discuss:

How banks, brokerages, distance learning companies and others build a business case for and deploy voice authentication in the cloud
How practitioners overcome common barriers to adoption within their organizations
Why using voice creates a better customer experience
Practical measures for ensuring the proper level of security and accuracy

Join Voxeo’s John Amein, Voice Biometric Group’s Peter Soufleris and Opus Research’s Dan Miller as they share perspectives on voice biometric-based applications and use cases, and why many companies look to cloud-based service providers to help them add voice authentication to their service offerings.

Live Webcast: Voice Biometrics: Voice-based Authentication in the Cloud

Thursday, March 20, 2012 — 1 p.m. EST / 10 a.m. PST
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