In an effort to document how chatbots and intelligent assistants are helping global businesses benefit from day-to-day improvements in customer care, operational efficiencies and conversational marketing, the bot-developer firm Ubisend has collected a plethora of data to support these claims.
This week, Ubisend published the “Chatbot Statistics Cheatsheet“, a collection of key statistics and datapoints from a variety of resources including HubSpot, Drift, Juniper Research, Adobe, Mindbowser, Business Insider, and, yours truly, Opus Research.
The repository of chatbot-related research systematically outlines the potential benefits for businesses in using chatbots to save money and increase automation. A key point of emphasis is how chatbots are not replacing humans but rather allow humans to focus on what they do best. This, in turn, enables “AI” to help businesses make better decisions faster, improve customer service and achieve gains in customer loyalty and revenue.
Here’s a sampling of the Chatbot Statistics Cheatsheet:
Customer Care
- 48% of consumers don’t care whether a chatbot or a real human helps them
- 15% of consumers have communicated with a business via a chatbot in the last 12 months
Banks & Financial Services
- $0.60 – Average amount banks save per chatbot interaction
- 90% of bank-related interactions will be automated by 2022
Business & Operational Efficiencies
- 80% of businesses will have some sort of chatbot automation implemented by 2020
- 34% of executives say the time they freed up using chatbots allows them to focus on deep thinking and creating
Marketing & Shopping
- 47% of consumers would buy items from a chatbot
- 13% of US adults would buy expensive items though a chatbot
- 28% of top-performing companies use AI for marketing
Consumer Expectations & Industry Growth
- 35% of consumers want to see more companies using chatbots
- 31% of top-performing companies plan to use AI within the next 12 months
- $4.5 billion – amount expected to be invested in chatbots by 2021
Not included in the “cheatsheet” — but indeed an interesting set of data — was a recently released report from MIT Technology Review and Genesys showing 90% of firms already using AI to boost customer experience and increase revenue. The study also found on average between 25% and 50% of all customer inquiries are now completely resolved through automated channels, freeing up customer service agents to handle more complex tasks.
As we know, there are lots of sources of data out there and plenty of information to be cited. Still, in the emerging world of chatbots and intelligent assistants, data is always sought after and helps connect the dots to provide the bigger picture.
Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles