With keynote presentations from U.S. Bank and Banco Santandar Mexico, VBC San Francisco 2014 included industry stalwarts and technology visionaries in voice biometrics, fraud prevention and security & authentication.
Voice Biometrics Conference SF 2014: Strong, Simple Security for E-Commerce and Mobile
VBC San Francisco 2014 speakers strike a balance between experienced security specialists, financial services professionals, mobile mavens and customer experience executives
NICE Systems Gaining Traction for Real-Time Authentication, including Seamless™ Passive Enrollment
NICE Systems has created a “Seamless™ Passive Enrollment process” that leverages previous call recordings to create voiceprints that can be used to confirm each caller’s identity in the background during a call into a company’s contact center
Adtech Global Ignite Delivers Business Value with Speech Analytics
Adtech Global Ignite, based on Verint’s 360 Speech Analytics solutions, enhances value through deep understanding of the customer journey.
Who Needs the Talking Refrigerator When You Have Amazon Dash?
Amazon Dash is best thought of as a part of a generation of Intelligent Assistants that we, members of humankind, should start getting ready to master.
Debut Conference To Tackle Opportunities for “Siri-like” Intelligent Assistants for Mobile and Enterprise Activities
Intelligent Assistants Conference 2014 will showcase real-world efforts to improve mobile customer experience, self-service efficiency, Web-based chat effectiveness and conversational commerce
Why West Acquired SchoolMessenger: A Natural Fit for Conversational Commerce
This acquisition by West will fit in nicely into their omnichannel outbound strategy focused on the education market.
VBC-SF 2014 Agenda Update: Sharing Experience and Preparing for the Future
The agenda for Voice Biometrics Conference – San Francisco 2014 (#VBCSF2014) has rounded out nicely.
“Predictive Analytics: Using Big Data to Improve Multichannel Customer Care”
Opus Research analyzes the offerings of leading platform vendors who give companies the power to enable customers to use their device-of-choice and channel-of-choice at their time-of-choice.
Zendesk and the Art of Cloud-Based Customer Care
Cloud-based contact center service providers have recently announced integration with web-based, help desk provider Zendesk. Among them, Interactive Intelligence, 8×8, and Five9