In a survey commissioned by Uniphore, Opus Research asked 500 influential executives in the contact center and customer experience domain about the perceived value of Speech Analytics and to ascertain the impact on plans to procure and deploy such resources in the future.
What Does Viv Mean for Brands and Customer Care Managers?
With a ground-breaking ability to generate code that anticipates complex user queries, Viv offers brands an immediate need to get into the “inner circle” of preferred providers to integrate with intelligent assistant ecosystems.
Joie de Viv: “The Global Brain” Emerges from Stealth Mode has been one of the Silicon Valley’s best kept open secrets since August 2014, when Wired magazine published an article calling it a “radical AI that does anything you ask.”
Intelligent Assistance: The Real Rewards Come When You Get to the Hard Stuff
Brands have the opportunity to gain new customers and deepen loyalty among existing clientele by pushing automated self-service technologies to offer surprising new forms of intelligent assistance.
Intelligent Authentication Conference London 2016 – Agenda & Presentations
Intelligent Authentication Conference London 2016 featured presentations of the core technology platforms and customer case studies from the likes of USAA, MasterCard, Nuance, Dimension Data & AGNITIO, NICE, and RSA.
Intelligent Assistants Conference London 2016 – Agenda & Presentations
Intelligent Assistants Conference London 2016 featured presentations of the core technology platforms and customer case studies from the likes of USAA, Virgin Media, Royal Dutch Shell, Ticketbis, Swedbank, MasterCard and MyWave.
Themes and Memes from IA-Squared
In April 2016, Opus Research convened a unique event showcase for both IA and IAuth solutions.
Bots, AI and Conversational UIs Top List of Hot Topics at #IA-Squared
The Intelligent Assistants space is red hot and has recently become crowded with personal assistants, personal advisors, customer-facing enterprise virtual agents, chatbots, and just plain bots. In the midst of this frenzy, our IA landscape defines core technology services that support all aspects of Intelligent Assistance and creates a deliberate taxonomy of intelligent assistant categories.
The New Landscape: Intelligent Assistants Confront the Botsplosion
At Opus Research, we focus, not on Bots, but on “Intelligent Assistants” (IAs). Last October, we issued the first Intelligent Assistance Landscape. Today we officially issue an updated version.
BetterBrand Provides Chatbot Platform for Marketing Teams
UK-based BetterBrand offers a powerful graphical conversation manager where you can build out the entire conversation, constructing possible user inputs and scripting the chatbot’s responses.