Webcast: “Voice as an Accelerant – Are Voice Assistants Necessary?”

Since Siri arrived on the Apple iPhone in 2011, an ever-growing cadre of voice assistants has struggled to achieve the “constant voice companion” status for a critical mass of regular users. While a handful of voice assistants introduced by tech giants have become household names, their high-profile has not been accompanied by reliable results and repeated use.

The lack of ubiquitous voice apps and general blasé uptake by consumers has Opus Research and Speechly asking the question: are voice assistants necessary?

Join Opus Research and Speechly (Tuesday, August 9th, 1pm ET) in a live, interactive webinar as they examine the common attributes of successful voice apps that make it easy for individuals to use very brief utterances to accomplish complex, but everyday, tasks. Topics include:

  • Learnings from successful & unsuccessful voice experiences
  • Impact of speed with Voice UI features
  • Making more of search and navigation
  • Preparing for the Metaverse

Register for this webinar (Aug 9) above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Articles