Opus Research Report: “Decision Makers’ Guide to Enterprise Intelligent Assistants (2022 Edition)”

Since 2015, Opus Research has been producing the “Decision Makers’ Guide to Enterprise Intelligent Assistants” as a comprehensive assessment of enterprise-grade technology solutions that leverage natural language processing, Conversational AI, and automated self-service resources for chatbots, voicebots, and virtual assistants.

While it’s important to acknowledge we’re still in the “early days” in the development and acceptance of Enterprise Intelligent Assistants (EIA), the proliferation of automated, self-service conversations has already reached billions of end users. With a growing audience, the number of use cases will grow as well, and there is no turning back.

In this document, Opus Research evaluates offerings according to criteria that go beyond the immediate impacts on customer satisfaction and loyalty to address long-term value of Conversational AI for live agent support, IT and human resources, product development teams, and sales and marketing.

Opus Research’s report evaluates 21 firms to better understand enabling platforms & technology, integration points & scalability, track record and future vision for enterprise-scale Conversational AI. In addition, Opus Research fielded a global survey to get a snapshot of basic capabilities baked into today’s bots, implementation strategies, and quantitative analysis of deployments by region, vertical industry, use cases, and modality.

Featured Research Reports are available for clients and registered users only.

Click Here to View the Report Summary

For more information on becoming an Opus Research client or to purchase the report, please contact Pete Headrick ([email protected], +1-415-904-7666).

Categories: Featured Research, Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles