Opus Research “Vendors That Matter” Series: Interactive Media’s PhoneMyBot

Opus Research Vendors That Matter Series: Interactive Media’s PhoneMyBot

The Opus Research “Vendors That Matter” series examines innovate firms uniquely qualified in offering enterprise technologies that are making a successful business impact. These companies represent what’s next in finding and delivering intelligent customer support and transforming digital experiences.

For an enterprise currently supporting text-based chat assistants, the idea of leveraging that same knowledge base and supporting the required integrations with voice channels, and especially the telephone network, may seem like a daunting task. Text and voice assistants face different operational challenges and typically require ongoing, independent optimization and maintenance.

Interactive Media’s “PhoneMyBot” tackles this very challenge by simplifying and enabling voice channels with your existing chatbot integration. Leveraging the same NLU/NLP intelligence
that powers conversational chat interactions for voice is the key value proposition of PhoneMyBot.

Scott Baker, Senior Analyst with Opus Research, outlines how Interactive Media’s PhoneMyBot manages the integration challenge and opportunity, including PhoneMyBot deployment examples from their clients.

Categories: White Papers, Intelligent Assistants, Articles

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