Webinar: “Highlights – 2022 Intelligent Authentication and Fraud Prevention Intelliview”

Opus Research and SymNex Consulting recently published a 2022 Intelliview report providing enterprise decision makers with competitive context for evaluating selected solution providers supporting secure customer contact experiences and fraud prevention.

Intelligent Authentication (IAuth) captures a range of products and services that includes biometric factors (voice, behavioral, etc.), network intelligence, and comprehensive orchestration used for fraud detection and continuous authentication.

In this live, interactive webinar (Thursday, Jan 27), Dan Miller (lead analyst & founder, Opus Research), Derek Top (research director, Opus Research) and Matt Smallman (director, SymNex Consulting) breakdown what’s new in authentication and fraud prevention, exploring 22 solution providers from across the spectrum who are actively deploying technologies that improve enterprise security and customer experiences. Topics include:

  • Why enterprises need to rethink authentication and fraud prevention strategies now
  • Innovations in voice biometrics, cloud contact centers, platforms, and speech analytics
  • Inclusion of new categories for network authentication and behavioral biometrics
  • Guidance of solution providers who are leaders and standouts

Register for this webinar (Thursday, Jan 27) above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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  1. Webinar: "Review – 2022 Intelligent Authentication and Fraud Prevention Intelliview" – – Opus Research | Redstar Digital Marketing