Webinar: “The Voice Assistance Challenge – Exceeding Customer Expectations”

With both Siri and Alexa on over 500 million devices, the general public is poised to make voice assistants part of their everyday lives. Banks, healthcare providers, auto makers, retailers, and government agencies are developing applications and use cases to drive mass adoption. Success  will breed more success.

Yet, these advancements are not taking place in a historical vacuum. Individual end-users — be they prospects, first-time shoppers, or long-time rewards program members — have grown skeptical of the ability for a “voicebot” to meet their immediate needs. When it comes to voice assistants and speech-enabled services, public acceptance, expectations, and use consistently lagged behind technological advancements.

In this webinar (Tuesday, Nov. 16), executives from Opus Research and Poly AI explore how the quality of conversational experience has been the barrier for mainstream acceptance of voice AI, and showcase the new technologies that are now enabling enterprises to automate truly delightful customer experiences over the voice channel. Topics include:

  • What a great voice assistant experience looks/sounds like
  • How enterprises can harness conversational AI technologies to create their own on-brand voice assistants
  • Real-world use cases of robust voice assistants across a variety of vertical industries

Register for this webinar above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication, Articles