Webinar: “Making Bots Both Affective and Effective”

It is high time for the Customer Experience, Contact Center and Digital Transformation world to get on the same page. Common wisdom has it that there’s a fine line between the tasks that chatbots and voicebots can do, in contrast with those best suited for live agents. In five words: “Agents have empathy; bots don’t.”

In the context of Conversational AI, “empathy” is not the issue. Experts from Opus Research and Zaion will discuss the potential for bots to be “affective,” meaning sensitive to a person’s moods, feelings and attitudes and how that quality can translate into making them more “effective”, defined as “successful in producing an intended result.”

Join executives from Opus Research and Zaion in a live, video discussion and demonstration of technologies and approaches to making affective bots more effective for customers. Topics include:

  • What are the real-world use cases for affective bots?
  • Can a bot really be empathetic?
  • What is the downside of mis-applying Emotional AI?
  • Is there a clear way forward for making the most of Emotional AI?

Register for this free webinar above or directly at BrightTalk

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts

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  1. “Making Bots Both Affective and Effective” | - Techy Rack