Webinar: The Shift to Customized Voice Assistants: How Will You Compete?

Thanks, in part, to the likes of Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, voice assistants have become a daily part of our digital lives. But while speech recognition is improving, and voice is an obvious natural user interface, are businesses truly benefiting from voice assistants as they interact with customers, clients, or prospects?

A global survey of 320 decision makers across 8 major industries confirmed that voice assistants are becoming ubiquitous. While customer service, convenience, and loyalty top the list of the benefits, many organizations are unsure how to show ROI or monetize their investments in voice AI. Although two-thirds of companies have implemented a voice assistant, many have not fully customized the experience, and 33% are still sitting on the fence.

In a live, interactive webinar (Tuesday, March 9, 1pm ET), Opus Research will unveil the survey results, discuss what top brands are getting right and what you can do to stay competitive.

SoundHound Inc., and RAIN join the webinar to discuss the current trends, key challenges, and untapped opportunities of implementing custom voice assistants.

In this webinar you’ll discover:
● The most recent trends in voice investments
● Common challenges of a voice-first strategy
● The real value of voice assistants for top brands
● How to measure the success of a voice assistant
● Unseen opportunities for monetization and proving ROI

Register for this live video chat above or directly at BrightTalk.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Articles, Mobile + Location