Webinar: “Introducing Native Process Automation – AI-Infused Workflows for Contact Centers”

Many businesses are looking for affordable ways to bring the benefits of automation into customer care channels. They struggle to infuse customer care infrastructure with multi-step, cross-channel automations that can improve the agent and customer experience and drive improvements in critical KPIs, such as FCR, handle time, and CSAT scores.

These businesses also seek to incorporate predictive analytics, natural language processing, and other Conversational AI engines into their customer care operations.

Finally, they often face challenges in accomplishing these tasks without in-house developers or without facing high professional services fees. These pressures are intensified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which lends urgency to the promise of “digital transformation” while supporting rapid transitions to remote, work-from-home agent pools.

Cloud-based contact center specialist, Thrio, has introduced Native Process Automation (NPA) to help both customers and contact center agents complete their tasks.

In an upcoming webinar (Tuesday, June 2nd, 1pm ET) Jim Radzicki (Chief Technology Officer with TELUS International and Lance Fried (Chief Marketing Officer, Thrio) join Opus Research’s Dan Miller (Lead Analyst and Founder) and Derek Top (Research Director) to help define Native Process Automation (NPA) and discuss the following topics:

  • Why the global Covid-19 pandemic has permanently altered commerce and customer care for voice and digital channels
  • Integrating NPA into both agent and customer workflows
  • What it takes for cloud-based services to support both agent-based and automated self-service
  • How NPA delivers on the promise of Conversational AI

Register here for this free webinar with Thrio, TELUS International and Opus Research!

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Articles