Webinar: “Enhancing Artificial Intelligence with Human Insight”

AI success in customer care will require the proper balance between technology and human capabilities, drawing upon the knowledge and skills of employees whose jobs are to serve customers.

In this free webinar (Thursday, Feb 20), Patrick Nguyen, chief technology officer with [24]7.ai, joins Dan Miller, lead analyst, and Derek Top, research director with Opus Research, to discuss how orchestrating interactions that involve AI and live agents is no longer an “either/or” proposition – it now means blending the best of both in ways that take advantage of what each does best.

Topics include:

  • How to build on the strengths of AI that support automated virtual assistants
  • Real-world use cases that illustrate the AI + HI ideal
  • Putting customers in control of the way that they interact with brands and enterprises

Register Here for “Enhancing Artificial Intelligence with Human Insight”

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Webcasts, Articles