Announcing Opus Research’s 2019 Conversational Commerce Conference (NYC | Oct 8)

Opus Research’s Conversational Commerce Conference is designed to help organizations unlock the power of machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), AI & Analytics, conversational marketing, and intelligent assistance technologies.

Participating speakers for Conversational Commerce Conferences have included industry luminaries such as John Chambers (former CEO of Cisco) as well as leading global brands & enterprises including FedEx, Google, Best Buy, Amazon, Royal Bank of Canada, Dell, VIP Shop, Albertsons Companies, Autodesk and many others — showcasing real-world implementations of Conversational Commerce across multiple vertical industries.

As part of the event, Opus Research is proud to host the Conversational Commerce Awards (CCAs). This year, three total winners will be announced based on the following recommended criteria:

  • Business Value: Success metrics and proven ROI, attain key performance indicators, leverage existing customer experience infrastructure
  • Enterprise Applications: Digital employee efforts, conversational analytics, sales & marketing assistants, improved efficiencies and productivity, integrated knowledge management
  • Delivering Superior Customer Experience: Consistent responses and experience across devices and channels, map customer intent, deliver personalized CX, ability to learn and improve over time
  • Innovative Use Cases: Superior natural language understanding, real-world AI capabilities and advanced technology, compelling avatar or persona, moving from assistant to advisor

Past winners of Opus Research awards have included FedEx, ING, Royal Bank of Canada, Amtrak, USAA, Hyatt Hotels, Domino’s, TD Ameritrade, U.S. Army, Alight Solutions, and others. To apply and send in nominations, please contact: Derek Top,, +1-415-904-7666.

Call for Speakers
Opus Research welcomes submissions for speakers, including real-world deployments and case study presentations, for the 2019 Conversational Commerce Conference Please send an email with speaker information and proposed session title & summary to: Derek Top (Conference Organizer), or please call +1-415-904-7666.

Opus Research also offers comprehensive sponsorship packages as part of the 2019 Conversational Commerce Conference. For more information, please contact: Pete Headrick,

For more information:

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles, Mobile + Location