Webinar: How AI-Based, Zero-Effort Authentication is Changing the Customer Experience

With access to mountains of data — scoured, analyzed, and made actionable thanks to Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and neural networking — enterprise organizations are staking their claim on seamless, context-aware customer interactions as a business differentiator. New authentication technologies in personalized digital self-service can help deliver security, fraud prevention, and have a demonstrable impact on an enterprise’s bottom line.

Indeed “zero-effort authentication” enables intelligent automation, reduced customer effort (no more PINs and passwords), reduced call handling time, and improved confidence in security. Enterprises are building zero-effort authentication strategies for maximum return on investment and increased customer loyalty.

In this on-demand webinar, Ravin Sanjith (Intelligent Authentication, Opus Research) and Alexey Khitrov (CEO, ID R&D) will discuss how zero-effort authentication in voice-centric channels leverage AI and the latest advancements in speech processing and multi-modal biometrics. For example:

  • A new generation of core voice biometric solutions is dramatically reducing the length of the time it takes for positive authentication matches
  • Enterprises are adopting liveness detection to protect against efforts to spoof authentication systems
  • A fusion of biometric modalities (voice, face, behavioral, etc.) are fueling opportunities for seamless, transparent customer experiences

Don’t miss this webinar to learn how voice biometrics, combined with AI techniques, sensors and increased processing power, can provide a virtuous cycle for greater convenience and less effort to validate a consumer’s identity in mobile apps, on messaging platforms, and beyond.

Webinar On-Demand

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication, Articles, Mobile + Location

1 reply

  1. Artificial Intelligence is the Next big thing and it will be going to play an important role in the future like many industries already applying it for their market research.