Interactions Adds Voice Biometrics to Curo Platform

interactions_squareInteractions LLC announced the availability of voice biometrics and caller authentication capabilities as part of its Curo Speech and Language Platform. Known as “Voice Biometrics for Interactions Intelligent Virtual Assistant,” the new tools increase security while freeing consumers from using passwords and PINs.

Unveiled earlier this year, the Curo platform is a full-suite of speech processing and product capabilities that support intelligent assistance and human-aided virtual agents for multi-channel care strategy. By adding voice biometrics, the platform is expanded to deliver better security and personalized customer care at a reasonable cost.

Fraud incidents are clearly on the rise and pose risks for all enterprises. As noted in the Interactions’ press release, the “Financial Services and Banking industries reported more than one million incidents of financial fraud in the first half of 2016 — or 1 incident every 15 seconds — a 53 percent increase over the same period last year.”

And voice biometrics is an important tool in combating fraud. Indeed voice biometrics is showing dramatic growth fueled by large-scale implementations. In the recent report “Voice Biometrics Census: Steady-Growth of Global Enrollments,” Opus Research tallied how customer-facing implementations now enroll 137 million voiceprints globally, showing 84% annual growth since our last census.

With caller authentication capabilities, Interactions is clearly targeting companies intent on reducing phone-based fraud. But with its breadth of product capabilities, including years of R&D in developing the Curo Speech and Language Platform, Interactions can now offer a more comprehensive customer care solution that reduces fraud, controls costs and enhances customer experience.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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