Opus Research Report: “Natural Language: The User Interface for the Fourth Industrial Revolution”

naturallanguage_artsol_report_nov2016_300vToday’s times have been defined as “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Coined by Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, the term describes a world where individuals move between digital domains and offline reality with considerable agility, using connected technology to enable and manage their lives, as part of a wider culture shift.

Virtual assistants are conditioning individuals to put more trust in conversational technologies and to try new activities and services. In doing so, they cause companies to redefine their branding, marketing, customer support, loyalty, self-service and e-commerce strategies on a constant basis. It no longer suffices to say that a company is “customer-centric” or dedicated to providing the best “customer experience”.

During this Fourth Industrial Revolution, leading-edge businesses must support a multitude of conversational touchpoints, which comprise a “continuum of care” (from each business’s perspective) and “intelligent assistance” (from the view of the individual).

In this report, Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder with Opus Research, presents one such solution for delivering a “user-first” intelligent assistant experience, the Teneo Platform from Artificial Solutions. Teneo is a fully-integrated natural language-based interactions (NLI) development and analytics platform that enables businesses to build intelligent natural language applications on any platform, device or language.

Please fill out the form below to receive a free copy of this whitepaper, and for more information:
Peter Headrick, [email protected], +1-415-904-7666

Opus Research Report: "Natural Language: The User Interface for the Fourth Industrial Revolution"
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