Announcing Intelligent Assistants & Intelligent Authentication Conferences San Francisco (Sep 12-13)

IA_squared_blueHeader_smallOpus Research is proud to announce IA-Squared San Francisco (September 12-13, 2016) for executives involved in digital commerce, customer care, emerging technologies, self-service, fraud reduction, and strategy & innovation.

IA-Squared San Francisco is:

  • Intelligent Assistants Conference San Francisco 2016: Intelligent Assistants (IAs) are redefining digital commerce and customer care as enterprises introduce intelligent assistants to provide an engaging customer experience using natural language understanding, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The groundbreaking Intelligent Assistants Conference series, which began in 2014, showcases efforts to improve customer experience, mobile apps, e-commerce, self-service efficiency, chatbots and conversational commerce.
  • Intelligent Authentication Conference San Francisco 2016: A conference dedicated to building awareness, understanding and appreciation of accurate, affordable and scalable platforms for identity verification and continuous authentication. First launched in 2007, this long-standing Opus Research event series began with focus on voice biometrics as a showcase for friction-free, multi-channel authentication and fraud reduction. Today, Intelligent Authentication (IAuth) is an emerging opportunity area integrating platforms, protocols and practices that make the complex tasks associated with user identification and verification strong, simple and seamless.

Call For Speakers
Opus Research conferences focus on real-world implementations and customer case studies combined with industry-defining discussions.

To submit a speaker proposal to either Intelligent Assistants Conference and/or Intelligent Authentication Conference San Francisco, please send detailed information, including speaker name/title & topic, to: Derek Top, Director at Opus Research,

IA-Squared San Francisco is a gathering place for executives who are committed to improving the customer experience. Registering for either Intelligent Assistants Conference or Intelligent Authentication Conference San Francisco 2016 gives you full access to all sessions, presentations, and networking events for both conferences.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Events, Intelligent Authentication, Articles, Mobile + Location

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