Opus Research’s 2nd Annual Intelligent Assistant Awards (IAAs) Recognize Amtrak, ING Netherlands and Telefonica Movistar

IAAs_logos_smallAwarded at the recent Intelligent Assistants Conference NYC (Oct 13-14), the IAAs raise the visibility of real-world implementations of automated services that leverage natural language understanding, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and human-like UI for customer support and personalized self-service.

The 2015 Intelligent Assistants Award winners include Amtrak’s Julie, Telefonica Mexico’s Nikko, and ING Netherland’s Inge. Each were recognized as best-of-class examples of automated self-service systems that provide a pleasant, human-like customer experience.

A panel of judges evaluated each assistant according to a mix of selection criteria including: mobile-first objectives; consistent responses across channels and devices; personalized responses; support of established KPIs; leveraging existing customer experience investments; learns from experience; a successful track record and future-ready implementations.

This year’s judges included Amy Stapleton, analyst and blogger at VirtualAgentChat,
Stas Roumiantsev, a long-time UX expert on the Wells Fargo innovation team, Nicolas De Kouchkovsky, former CMO at Genesys, and Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder at Opus Research.

While the competition was fierce, with 14 intelligent assistant entries from five countries in six different verticals, the three winners showed exemplary customer service offerings:

Opus Research looks forward to the next IAA competition to honor service offerings for intelligent assistants in automated webchat, natural language IVRs, mobile intelligent agents and other self-service/assisted self-service resources.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Intelligent Assistants, Articles

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2 replies

  1. what are the metrics and KPI’s for monitoring and evaluating the success of intelligent virtual assistant?

  2. Hello Bhaskar: The KPI’s for a virtual assistant resemble the performance measures for a live agent. Successful completion of each individual’s tasks measured in success rates, coupled with CSAT scores to indicate whether the customer is happy or net promoter scores and the like. The metrics that many vendors and their customers have shared with us show an increase in CSAT accompanying higher automation rates. Those are the classics.

    In the longer run, we are going to add new metrics organically. Enterprise Intelligent Assistants are going to play the role of advisor and not just a glorified IVR/ACD. So there will be metrics that include successful task completion where the tasks could be warm transfer to the right agent or resource, order/transaction completion and the like.