India’s ICICI Bank Launches Voice Biometrics for Phone Banking

icici-bank-250wICICI Bank is deploying voice authentication technology to analyze and verify callers to its phone banking center and help facilitate customers transferring funds between accounts or paying bills.

According to an article in the India Times, ICICI is the first bank in India to deploy voice biometrics and will identify customer account details and authenticate identities by “picking a voice sample and matching it with the database.”

[T]he technology will provide a big leg-up for financial inclusion as the process of authentication can be done seamlessly without requiring the caller to speak specific words on in any particular language, said Rajiv Sabharwal, executive director, ICICI Bank.

Nuance Communications is named as the technology provider to help match customers’ voiceprints.

ICICI is fast becoming an innovator in banking technologies, targeting mobile and online customers. Last month, ICICI launched an Android digital wallet with upcoming releases planned for iOS and Windows smartphone apps.

Such leading-edge technologies will be on display at next month’s VBC New York event (May 4-5) where Wells Fargo, Tangerine Bank, and USAA will present case studies in mobile and multi-factor authentication solutions for banking customers.

Categories: Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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