Place London 2014 – Agenda & Presentations

Place_NYC_logo_200wPlace London 2014 (November 17) brought together executives and decision-makers to discuss and strategize how indoor traffic analytics, combined with mobile and online data, empowers business intelligence and enables consumer engagement for the only global conference of its kind.

Agenda & Presentations

9:00 AM  –  9:30 AM
Indoor Location: Market Opportunity – The market for indoor location has exploded with notable retailers trialing solutions, new channels for industry acceleration, tremendous investment and key acquisitions. But indoor location technology is still new and confusing to the market. In this session, Jon Rosen will review the past year in key developments and discuss what’s next for indoor location.
Speaker: Jon Rosen, Senior Analyst, Opus Research
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9:30 AM  –  10:00 AM
An Indoor Location Primer – Indoor location solutions enable precious, high-value business intelligence and mobile engagement with customers. While these solutions offer a tremendous upside, indoor location tech is still new and confusing to the market. This brief presentation is designed for those just beginning to manage the location solutions research process.
Speaker: Sean O’Sullivan, CEO, LocalSocial
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10:00 AM  –  11:00 AM
Retail Applications: Location Data and the Business Process – Indoor location data informs visitor behavior and frequency, but what drives the most value? Is it visitor data? Or is it the way location informs existing business processes? Does the data stand by itself or is it most valuable when combined with other business metrics? An in-depth panel discussion into the how location data is used within merchandising, marketing, store operations, the C-Suite, and queue management. How do retailers benefit via revenue, profit, decision-making and process improvement?
Shelley E. Kohan, VP of Retail Consulting, RetailNext
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Bill McCarthy, CEO, EMEA, ShopperTrak

11:15 AM  –  11:45 AM
Why Baidu Is Investing in Indoor Magnetic Positioning – Infused with a recent $10 million investment from China’s top search firm Baidu, IndoorAtlas uses magnetic positioning technology to offer precision accuracy without any hardware requirements claiming a relatively low total cost of ownership.
Speaker: Janne Haverinen, CEO, IndoorAtlas
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11:45 AM  –  12:15 PM
The Value of Leveraging LED Technology for Indoor Positioning – With significant energy-savings benefits, LED lighting is fast becoming an operational business value for many companies, including retailers. LED light sources can also be transformed into transmitters of positioning signals that can be received by mobile devices. The technology has the ability to deliver extremely precise location, mobile phone orientation, and true XYZ data at the shelf level. Acuity Brands and Qualcomm present the technologies, capabilities and unique applications for the use of LED technology for retailers and others in the indoor location sector.
Aleksandar Jovicic, Systems Engineering Lead, Qualcomm Research
Steve Lydecker, SVP, Applied Integrated Solutions, Acuity Brands Lighting

1:30 PM  –  2:45 PM
Sensor Technologies for 2015 and Beyond – Why and how to discern between Bluetooth, Wifi, Beacons, Cameras, Magnetic, Light, SLAM etc. – pros and cons, differentiators, who’s adopting them, and how they work together. This session will review the various technologies used to determine indoor location and untangle facts from assumptions. The various modalities will be explained, examined and presented in such a way as to inform the choices available to the market.
Jean-Baptiste Prost, CTO and Deputy General Manager, Pole Star
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Nick Newton, Director, Sales Operations, Aruba Networks
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Dave Huntingford, Director of Product Management, CSR
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Bruce Krulwich, PhD, Founder and Chief Analyst, Grizzly Analytics (moderator)
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3:00 PM  –  3:45 PM
Making Omnichannel a Reality Via Location – Omnichannel – a seamless experience and purchase attribution between online, mobile and in-store – is a retail Holy Grail. But determining the final leg and in-store purchase path has been a challenge for retailers. Indoor Location enables the ability follow behavior through the store, and tie it to other shopping experiences. How can indoor location data assist with: Attribution between online, mobile & in-store; cross-platform purchasing; and behavioral targeting across platforms.
Tyler Donahue, Business Development Manager, Yext
Raman Sidhu, VP Business Development, Beemray; London Chapter President, The LBMA
Daniel Angel, Director, Strategy & Business Development, Tamoco
Ege Akipinar, Founder & CEO, Indoorz
David Kaplan, Managing Editor,

3:45 PM  –  4:30 PM
How Indoor Location Solutions Enable Mobile Retail – Indoor location and proximity marketing allow retailers, networks and brands to put marketing messages in front of consumers at strategic points in stores, malls and other venues. Applications such as mobile loyalty, mapping, wayfinding, engagement, advertising, combating showrooming, clienteling, and third-party apps are enabled, informed, enhanced and even developed specifically for Indoor Location. What are the long-term considerations in technology and vendor choices?
Speaker: Nathan Pettyjohn, Founder & CEO, aisle411
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4:30 PM  –  6:30 PM
Place Conference London Networking Reception – Eat, drink and meet the vendors, companies and solution providers pioneering indoor location, proximity marketing, and online-to-offline consumer engagement.

Categories: Place Conference, Events, Articles, Mobile + Location

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