VBC San Francisco 2014 – Agenda & Presentations

125x125VBC_SF__14-15_2014VBC San Francisco (May 14-15, 2014) addressed the pressing issues facing executives in financial services, contact centers, healthcare, insurance and communications that enable secure interactions with customers. As the only global event dedicated to voice security and multi-factor authentication, VBC SF 2014 included industry stalwarts and technology visionaries in voice biometrics, fraud prevention and security & authentication.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

1:30 PM  –  2:00 PM
Voice Biometrics: Beyond the Basics
Opus Research’s founder, Dan Miller, will introduce a new framework for understanding the potential of voice biometrics and companion technologies to foster secure, trusted personalized communications and commerce.
Speaker: Dan Miller, Senior Analyst & Founder, Opus Research
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2:00 PM  –  2:30 PM
By the Numbers: A Look at the Multi-Million Dollar Phone Fraud Industry
Whether it’s repeated attacks into financial institution call centers, targeting individual employees or consumers directly, fraudsters are relentless in pursuing phone fraud schemes. Pindrop Security presents the latest data on the financial impacts and the current methods and motives of fraudsters.
Speaker: Vijay Balasubramaniyan, CEO & Co-Founder, Pindrop Security

2:30 PM  –  3:00 PM
Reducing the Impact of Data Breaches on Financial Institutions
Banks and card issuers are vulnerable to the retail sector’s data breaches which end up as fraud and customer impact at their door. With industry experts saying Target and Neiman Marcus are just the tip of the iceberg, what can be done? Learn how financial institutions are using a special application of voice biometrics to reduce the impact of data breaches.
Speaker: Mark Lazar, Global Vice President, Verint Enterprise Intelligence Systems

3:00 PM  –  3:30 PM – Break

3:30 PM  –  4:15 PM
The Future of Secure, Mobile Authentication
Mobile devices have the potential to be the universal device to make authentication stronger. But a host of challenges stand in the way for mobile security platforms. What are the key enablers and how does voice fit into a comprehensive mobile security strategy?
Kayvan Alikhani, Senior Director of Technology, RSA
Paul Burmester, Chief Executive Officer, ValidSoft
Emilio Martinez, Chief Execuitve Officer, AGNITiO
Archit Lohokare, Global Product Manager, IBM Security Systems

4:15 PM  –  5:00 PM
Keynote Case Study: U.S. Bank
Mobile devices are increasingly the most common — or even exclusive — channel where consumers interact with banks and financial institutions. Hear how a multinational financial services firm is implementing voice security into its mobile banking strategy.
Speaker: Beth Gallagher, VP, Payments Innovation, U.S. Bank
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Thursday, May 15, 2014

9:00 AM  –  9:45 AM
Keynote: Banco Santander Mexico
With more than 3 million monthly calls into contact centers, Banco Santander Mexico is using voice biometrics as a means to identify and authenticate banking customers rather than relying on passwords or knowledge-based questions. The new strategy helps better serve customers, streamline operational efficiencies and save money.
Speaker: José Ignacio Zorrilla, Executive Director of Channels, Banco Santander Mexico
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9:45 AM  –  10:15 AM
Case Study: Fraud Detection at Major Card Issuer
Learn the methods and results at one of the largest voice biometric implementations for fraud detection. At this major card issuer, voice biometrics has been very successful in stopping fraud attacks, reducing losses, deterring fraudsters, and understanding fraudster patterns. Learn the critical factors in operating at scale with large call volumes and fraudster databases.
Speaker: Vipul Vyas, VP of Client Development, Victrio

10:15 AM  –  10:45 AM
Identity-As-A-Service and Pay-As-You-Go
Overview of the mobile biometrics user authentication market: What biometrics are available on mobile platform at present & what’s reliable? Why OOB & multi-modal authentication? Use case of algorithm and hardware agnostic, plug-and-play enterprise adoption of IDaaS that can be deployed globally as an end-to-end or modular solution
Speaker: David Harding, CTO, ImageWare Systems
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10:45 AM  –  11:00 AM – Break

11:00 AM  –  11:45 AM
Implementation Considerations – Enrollment, Authentication and Mobile Security
A wide-open panel discussion addressing the questions that implementers find most interesting: What’s the best way to enroll individuals for large-scale implementations? Will there be global standards for voiceprint storage/sharing? How do you overcome replay attacks? How do you deal with differences in quality across mobile vs. landlines vs. VoIP? And many more.
Noel Grover, CEO, VoiceIT
Ravin Sanjith, Chief Operations Officer, OneVault
Daniel Thornhill, User Authentication Product Manager, ValidSoft

11:45 AM  –  12:15 PM
Case Studies: Passive Enrollment Takes Off
A leading European Bank has deployed voice biometrics to effortlessly authenticate customers and protect them, by enrolling customers on en masse. Learn how Seamless™ Passive Enrollment is revolutionizing the contact center and changing the way customers interact with their service providers.
Speaker: Elad Hoffman, Solution Manager, NICE Systems

12:15 PM  –  1:30 PM – Lunch

1:30 PM  –  2:15 PM
Securing Voice Biometrics Applications
In order for Voice Biometrics to reach its full potential, VB deployments must be secure. This session will examine various security issues, including protection against replay and cut-and-paste attacks, securing a voice print on a mobile device, and protecting the matching process.
Emilio Martinez, CEO, AGNITiOView Presentation
Francois Grenier, Oberthur Technologies – View Presentation

2:15 PM  –  3:00 PM
Multi-purpose and Multi-factor: The New Normal
A panel discussion on the trends and best practices for authentication, personalization, transaction authorization and fraud reduction using multiple authentication factors — including other biometrics — to build trust. Experts will describe issues that organizations will need to consider when thinking about how to incorporate new authentication mechanisms
Val Matula, Senior Director of Multimedia Technologies, Avaya
Ken Palla, Vice President, Union Bank
Vijay Balasubramaniyan, CEO & Co-Founder, Pindrop Security
Girish Wadhwani, Product Marketing Manager, Nok Nok Labs

3:00 PM  –  3:30 PM – Break

3:30 PM  –  4:00 PM
How to Deploy a Voice Biometric Solution
Enterprise users have to a number of key decisions to make when successfully deploying voice biometrics. These include: Static password vs. text Independent? SDK vs. solution? Client vs. server architecture? Voice vs. Bi-modal? Liveness detection? Speechpro will share practical tips and best practices on the deployment process.
Spaker: Bryan Chaney, VP Sales & Marketing, SpeechPro, Inc.
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4:00 PM  –  4:45 PM
Executive Panel: Where We’re At and Where We’re Going
Voice biometrics has evolved from a technology to a set of solutions that span mobile commerce, home electronics and automotive marketplaces – in addition to e-commerce contact centers. Top voice biometric engine providers answer “what’s next?” for their products, companies, partners and customers, paying special attention to what it will take to make voice biometrics an integral part of platforms that promote secure, convenient, trusted commerce.
Brett Beranek, Solutions Marketing Manager, Nuance Communications
Julia Webb, Executive Vice President, U.S. Sales and Marketing, VoiceVault
Peter Hauser, Chief Commercial Officer, VoiceTrust
Tamar Sharir, Director of Fraud and Real-Time Authentication Solutions, NICE Systems

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Events, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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