Adtech Global Ignite Delivers Business Value with Speech Analytics

Adtech_GlobalHow is your contact center implementation services team adding special value? Are they thinking about the things that can really drive your business? Asked another way, are they advancing commerce in the customer conversation?

I began thinking about this as I recently read about Adtech Global who recently launched a program called Adtech Global Ignite based on Verint’s 360 Speech Analytics solutions. I think Ignite is evidence of a services and solutions provider adding enhanced value to their customers through a deep understanding of the customer journey.

An analytics program, including a speech-oriented one such as Ignite, is important for Conversational Commerce based on:

Context – A holistic analytics program is foundational for context-based conversations. Providers must enable contact centers to provide a context-based conversation. Actionable understanding on how an individual customer interacts with the contact center is a powerful tool to conversational success.

Integration – By gathering data from a variety of sources – speech analytics, workforce optimization and recording elements – can certainly paint a better picture of the customer journey and experience.

Modeling and Behaviors – Analytic tools allows organizations to build a knowledge base with the ability to model and predict customer behavior. This enables the opportunity to reconfigure the customer journey in real-time to adapt to changing expectations.

How are you using analytics in the critical steps to improve the customer conversation to drive commerce? Let me know your thoughts.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Articles

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