VBC San Francisco 2013 – Agenda & Presentations

VBC_SF_2013Voice Biometrics Conference San Francisco (May 8-9, 2013) showcased the latest technologies used by banks, financial services and call centers to reduce fraud and enhance the customer experience.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1:00 PM – 1:15 PM
The Big Picture Gets Bigger
Opening remarks from Opus Research, taking stock of the past, present and future of voice biometric-based technology and markets.
Speaker: Dan Miller, Senior Analyst, Opus Research
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1:15 PM  –  1:45 PM
Beyond Passwords: FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) and the Larger Market for Strong Authentication
With the explosive growth of electronic commerce and mobile banking, the need for strong authentication is growing. PayPal is helping spearhead the FIDO Alliance, which introduces a viable alternative to passwords with a standards-based approach to authentication that raises security and ensures privacy, while simplifying authentication. FIDO unleashes vast potential for both existing and many new markets. The question is: “How big is the market opportunity for voice and all biometrics in a FIDO enabled world?”
Speaker: Michael Barrett, Chief Information Security Officer, PayPal
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1:45 PM  –  2:30 PM
Opportunities in a Post-Password World
The explosion of mobile devices and use of the cloud have exacerbated both the usability and security flaws of passwords, increasing the need for alternatives. What role will voice biometrics play within the larger group of potential authentication approaches? What are the issues that organizations will need to consider when thinking about how to incorporate these new authentication mechanisms?
Mayank Upadhyay, Principal Engineer, Google
Emilio Martinez, CEO, Agnitio
Sebastian Taveau, CTO, Validity
Andy Steingruebl, Director, Customer and Ecosystem Security, PayPal
Moderator: Phillip Dunkelberger, President & CEO, Nok Nok Labs

2:30 PM  –  3:00 PM
Reality Check: Natural Interaction in the Connected Home
Voice biometrics is playing an increasing role in consumer-facing smart devices. From using your voice to “wake-up” any device or access home alarm controls, to voice-initiated personalized settings for home entertainment systems, unified communications and video analytics.
Steve Jones, Executive Director, Speech FX
CBrian Gannon, SVP of Marketing and Business Development, GEO Semiconductor
Julia Webb, VP Sales & Marketing, VoiceVault
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3:00 PM  –  3:30 PM – Break

3:30 PM  –  4:15 PM
Case Study: Voice Verification by Mobile Operator Avea
Avea, a leading GSM operator in Turkey with a customer base of 12.8 million, has implemented a call center voice verification system registering more than one million vocal passwords in the first year.
Gokhan Ayas, Department Manager, Call Centers & Alternative Channels, Avea
Serdar Karadayi, Managing Director, Sestek
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4:15 PM  –  5:00 PM
Keynote: Powering Security and Easy Authentication in a Multi-Channel World
Security has high value and mitigates high risk in today’s expanding multi-perimeter world. Learn how organizations such as Bank Leumi have benefited from incorporating voice biometrics in their Identity & Verification process. Empowering organizations to deploy cross-channel and multi-factor authentication while delivering an incredibly positive user experience, voice biometrics is poised to become a key authentication tool within web and mobile just as it has within the IVR and call center space.
Brett Beranek, Solution Marketing Manager, Nuance Communications
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Archit Lohokare, Worldwide Product Manager, IBM Security Systems
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Thursday, May 9, 2013

9:00 AM  –  9:45 AM
Case Study: Passive Authentication at Barclays
Hear how one of the largest global banks deploys voice-based authentication in the background, saving time for Advisors and making a better experience for their clients without compromising security.
Speaker: Matt Smallman, Client Experience Strategy, Architecture and Change, Wealth and Investment Management, Barclays
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9:45 AM  –  10:30 AM
Financial Roundtable
Financial services companies have been at the forefront of the multi-factor authentication phenomenon. Hear from a panel of executives as they share perspectives on the opportunities and challenges they confronted as they evaluated, tested and deployed voice biometrics to support strong, yet convenient security.
Ken Palla, Vice President, Union Bank
David Pollino, Fraud Prevention Officer, Bank of the West
Advait Deshpande, Senior Manager, Retail Client Service Group, Vanguard
Moderator: Chuck Buffum, President, Buffum Consulting

10:30 AM  –  10:45 AM – Break

10:45 AM  –  11:15 AM
Reality Check: Operationalizing Voice Biometrics
Your existing voice recording infrastructure and metadata can be used in the battle against fraud and to protect your contact center. NICE Systems will show you how existing call recording, call monitoring and analytic fabrics can be leveraged to build the voice prints that become the foundation for voice-based authentication and fraudster detection, as well as how to operationalize voice biometrics to achieve real business value and a compelling ROI.
Speaker: Elad Hoffman, Real Time Authentication Solution Manager, NICE Systems

11:15 AM  –  12:00 PM
What You Can Learn From a Phone Call
There’s more to fraud detection than voiceprints. Hear what other factors can come into play to support strong authentication.
Patrick Cox, CEO, TRUSTID, Inc
Vijay Balasubramaniyan, CEO & Co-Founder, Pindrop Security
John Amein, Senior VP Product Managment, Voxeo
Moderator: Dan Miller, Senior Analyst, Opus Research

12:00 PM  –  1:15 PM – Lunch

1:15 PM  –  1:45 PM
Reality Check: The Power of a Black List, the Promise of a White List
Financial services companies are finding out that they can reduce fraud loss by quickly detecting imposters. But that is just the start of the story. Learn how the combination of multiple factors can lead to lower financial losses.
Speaker: Mark Lazar, CEO, Victrio, Inc.

1:45 PM  –  2:15 PM
Reality Check: The Case for Voice + Face Recognition
A single factor is seldom enough to establish high confidence levels when identifying a specific individual. Learn how the security services in Ecuador specified and then implemented a system that combines voice biometrics and facial recognition in a unique way to support their law enforcement efforts.
Speaker: Alexey Khitrov, Strategic Development Director, Speech Technology Center 
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2:15 PM  –  3:00 PM
The Future of Secure, Mobile Authentication
Mobile devices have the potential to be the universal device to make authentication stronger. But a host of challenges stand in the way for mobile security platforms. What are the key enablers and how does voice fit into a comprehensive mobile security strategy?
Ollie Whitehouse, Associate Director, NCC Group
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Lauren Horaist, Senior Product Marketing Manager, RSA
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Moderator: Derek Top, Editorial Director, Opus Research

3:00 PM – 3:15 PM
Reality Check: Mobile Voice Authentication
Demonstration of a consumer voice application connecting the dots between spoken words, strong user authentication and the personalization of mobile devices, applications and services.
Speaker: Philippe Vinci, EVP Sales & Marketing, Agnitio
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3:15 PM  –  3:30 PM – Break

3:30 PM  –  4:00 PM
Reality Check: e-Government Applications for Voice Authentication
A look into a government initiative to integrate voiceprints into a national ID database enabling qualified citizens to receive aid money, pensions or cast a vote in national elections with just a telephone call.
Speaker: Roanne Levitt, Vice President, VoiceTrust eServices Canada Inc.
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4:00 PM  –  4:30 PM
Reality Check: Introduction to Truly Handsfree 3.0
Deep integration of speech processing and voice verification with mobile and consumer electronic devices promise to deliver on the promise of a vision first presented in the Star Trek series of the early ’60s. In the here-and-now of 2013 we can look at the opportunities suggested by a combination of trigger words, voice biometrics and embedded speech processing.
Speaker: Todd Mozer, President, CEO & Chairman of Sensory, Inc. 
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4:30 PM  –  5:00 PM
Executive Panel: Where We’re At and Where We’re Going
Voice biometrics has evolved from a technology to a set of solutions that span mobile commerce, home electronics and automotive marketplaces – in addition to e-commerce contact centers. Top voice biometric engine providers answer “what’s next?” for their products, companies, partners and customers, paying special attention to what it will take to make voice biometrics an integral part of platforms that promote secure, convenient, trusted commerce.

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Events, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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