Enterprise Readiness Series: The Case for Passive, Voice-Based Authentication

VoiceBio_Nice_Apr2013 Featured Research
Today’s customer authentication methods are from another age. Opus Research interviewed security and customer care professionals in Global 100 companies to learn about their perception and attitudes toward passive authentication of customers using voice. Respondents provided insights into the value of multi-factor authentication and provided “key success factors” for implementing strong, context-aware authentication without burdening customers with passwords or answers to challenge questions.

This report is made available courtesy of NICE Systems. Click here to view the report summary. Contact Pete Headrick (pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com) to receive a copy

For more information on becoming an Opus Research client, please contact Pete Headrick (pheadrick@cgy.bcc.myftpupload.com).

Categories: Featured Research, Reports

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