Webcast: Rich Phone Apps and Enterprise 2.0 Customer Care

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In this webcast, as part of the Thought Leadership Series, Opus Research and SpeechCycle discuss the next generation of phone-based customer care applications and services. It’s nothing short of the transformation of the IVR 1.0 to the Enterprise speech server 2.0.

Companies that capture the hearts, minds and long-term loyalty of their customers demonstrate the ability to anticipate and fulfill on their customers’ real-time demands. While the Internet has played an increasingly important part in the customer satisfaction equation, it still has not displaced the telephone as the primary channel for order capture, customer care and technical support.

This webcast, sponsored by SpeechCycle, is of special importance to customer care professionals, especially those trying to gauge the affect of Web 2.0, Social Media, Blogs and Twitter. In addition, we hope to promote a dialogue between contact center professionals and a new generation of application developers promoting “cloud-based” customer care and collaboration.

Dan Miller – Senior Analyst, Opus Research
Joe Bentzel – CMO, SpeechCycle

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