Voxeo Expands European Presence

In what it terms a “million Euro investment”, Voxeo has increased its capacity in Europe to over 10,000 ports of VoiceXML and CCXML conformant voice self-service resources. The new additions are housed in a secure hosting facility in Frankfurt, Germany, and are decked out with German language speech recognition, German text-to-speech, bilingual English German text-to-speech and speech capabilities in most other major European languages.

Through IP connectivity, the service also supports both local telephone numbers and toll-free (freephone) numbers within the so-called DACH region (referring to Germany, Austria and Switzerland) where Voxeo, after its acquisition of VoiceObjects, has a number of customers among telephone carriers and financial services providers. The new facilities support traffic on Voxeo’s existing global carrier network and can support both co-location and managed server options for on-LAN deployment of voice application.

Thus evidence continues to mount that hosted and managed services continue to be a counter-cyclical growth area in spite of (or perhaps because of) reduced enterprise spending on both telecommunications and IT infrastructure.

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