Voice ASP Best Practices, Edition 2.0

This report is an update and refresh of a research document published by Opus Research in August 2004. It contains research findings based on a series of executive interviews coupled with a thorough literature review to identify “best practice” exhibited among providers of hosted or managed automated speech processing. Throughout the document, Opus Research uses the term “Voice Application Service Provider” (Voice ASPs) to refer to a growing mix of third-parties that own and operate computing, switching and voice processing resources in “server farms” which host or execute applications on behalf of their customers.

As for best practices, it is a subjective that is best thought of as “what’s working now?” Opus Research positions this document as a reference guide regarding real-world implementations focusing on the Five “P’s” common to business analysis: Pricing, Promotion, Product, Partnerships and Personnel. In this report, we highlight techniques which correlate both with business success and customer satisfaction.

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