Opus Research Report: “The Business Value of Customized Voice Assistants”

Voice assistants are poised to play expanding roles for brands. In a newly released global survey of 320 decision makers across 8 major industries, Opus Research confirmed ubiquitous interest and global potential for voice assistants (VAs).

Sponsored by SoundHound Inc., the survey found more than two-thirds (67%) of all companies already employ VAs to interact with customers, clients, or prospects. And almost three-quarters (74%) agree that controlling their brand identity and user experiences are the greatest drivers of value.

[Don’t miss this webinar about the business value of customized voice assistants (March 9) – Register Here.]

Given the rapid growth of voice assistants, in this report, Dan Miller, lead analyst and founder, and Derek Top, research director with Opus Research, uncover how brands are increasingly utilizing customized voice assistants to remain competitive, maintain ownership of customer data, and deliver business value.

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Categories: Featured Research, Reports, Conversational Intelligence, White Papers, Intelligent Assistants, Articles

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