Opus Research Report: “2020 Intelligent Authentication and Fraud Prevention Intelliview”

In this third annual Intelligent Authentication Intelliview, Opus Research and SymNex Consulting provide enterprise decision makers with competitive context for evaluating selected solution providers supporting secure customer contact experiences and fraud prevention.

Intelligent Authentication (IAuth) captures a range of products and services beyond voice biometrics to include additional biometric factors (facial, fingerprint, behavioral), fraud detection, digital orchestration, and continuous authentication.

This report evaluates 20 firms, both platform providers and core technology providers, to understand their completeness of offerings and ability to orchestrate capabilities into broader solutions that respond to emerging security threats and CX challenges.

Featured Research Reports are available for clients and registered users only.

Click Here to View the Report Summary

For more information on becoming an Opus Research client or to purchase the report, please contact Pete Headrick ([email protected], +1-415-904-7666).

Categories: Featured Research, Advisories, Reports, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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  1. What Does it Mean to be Named on the Opus Research 2020 Core Technology Provider Intelliview Map? - Lumenvox