Hosted voice and self-service specialist Contact Solutions has debuted a new service platform called My:Time.
Avaya Acquisition Brings Flexible Management of Social Media, Contact Center and Enterprise
Avaya is purchasing Israeli enterprise software developer ITNavigator, a go-to-market partner whose software is already in use as Avaya Contact Center Control Manager, for an undisclosed sum.
The Meaning of Mayday and its High Profile on the New Kindle Fire HDX Line from Amazon
The Mayday button is a radical change in the customer care paradigm.
Twitter, Motorola Solutions and Boingo Wireless Join Google and Nokia at Place Conference
Place 2013: The Indoor Marketing Summit is the first event to take a comprehensive look at indoor location, marketing and analytics from a business perspective as well as the broader implications of indoor location for the entire digital marketing ecosystem.
Biometric-based Authentication is Front-and-Center on Apple’s iPhone 5s
Apple’s iPhone 5s will be remembered as the personal communications device that got people engaged in serious discussions of the virtues of biometric authentication at scale.
Reflections on SpeechTek 2013: Attention Turning to Role(s) of Speech-enabled, Intelligent Systems
Self-service professionals, speech scientists and VUI (voice user interface) experts, alike, are grappling with a new set of challenges borne of the need to support search, command and control and e-commerce in a “post-PC” but “pre-PVA” world.
Subtracting Siri Would Be a Mistake
Piper Jaffray’s Analyst Gene Munster reportedly issued a research note to clients speculating that Apple will exclude Siri from a forthcoming, low-cost version of the iPhone 5. Upon reflection it is my belief that such a tactic would be a big mistake.
Facebook Acquisition to Socialize Speech-to-Speech Translation
As part of its successful efforts to build major mobile mojo, Facebook is now poised to add “speech-to-speech” translation to its repertoire.
OK Google… Now We’re Talking!
Google’s new phone, the Moto X, enables its owners to take command of their digitized world without pressing a button, making a gesture or touching a screen.
Authentify’s xFA(TM) Brings Smartphones and Unique Cryptographs Together with Voice Authentication
A new service, called xFA(TM), from Authentify provides a glimpse of multifactor authentication’s future. Building on the company’s legacy of certificate-based, out-of-band, phone-based user authentication, the company is employing a new, screen-based approach to replacing OTP (one-time passwords) or KBA (knowledge-based authentication) in order to log-on to a secure network.