When voice biometrics goes mainstream it will be on the coattails of several burgeoning phenomena that are on display in Las Vegas at CES.
Facebook Buys An “Open” Platform for Voice-based Intelligent Assistance
Facebook has acquired wit.ai, a small venture whose “open” approach to natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning has attracted over 6,000 developers to its fold.
2015-The Year Intelligent Assistance Takes Off For Real
Because these ongoing commercial conversations take place over time and a multitude of channels, it has become clear that the persistent presence of an Intelligent Assistant is taking on great value.
Intelligent, Speech-Enabled Tech Gifts for Your Holiday Shopping List
Amy Stapleton offers a few gift ideas for technology enthusiasts, both young and old, ranging from a speech-enabled smart home device to the latest in intelligent assistants.
Shoppers Increasingly Turning to Mobile Devices While In-Store
A majority of mobile shoppers (58 percent) take a “showrooming” approach to look up information while shopping in stores. But privacy concerns remain a critical factor for retailers to overcome in developing consumer engagement applications via indoor location technologies.
Retail Location Services and the Rule of Threes
In a few short years, the location services industry has evolved into three overlapping segments: traffic analytics, in-store mobile, and outdoor geo-location. Retailer investment drives the convergence of these trends and helps present a glimpse into the near future of consumer engagement and indoor location.
VBC London 2014 – Agenda & Presentations
VBC London 2014, held November 18-19 at the Tower Hotel, brought together executives and decision-makers who are integrating voice solutions into multi-layered and multi-factor communications for authentication and security to prevent fraud and enable secure commerce.
Aspect Mobility Suite Debuts to Support Intelligent Assistance Across Multiple Channels
Aspect’s Mobility Suite is a cloud-based set of products and capabilities that take a mobile-first, developer-friendly approach to multichannel customer care and intelligent assistance.
VoiceTrust and BioID Form Alliance To Simplify Implementation of Strong, Multifactor Authentication
VoiceTrust will integrate some unique biometric technologies from BioID into its “agnostic authentication platform.”
Place London 2014 – Agenda & Presentations
Place London 2014 brought together executives and decision-makers to discuss and strategize how indoor traffic analytics, combined with mobile and online data, empowers business intelligence and enables consumer engagement for the only global conference of its kind.