Indoor location technologies are poised to dramatically enhance the consumer retail experience. In an apples-to-apples comparison of indoor technologies for mobile advertising, Opus Research finds striking benefits for magnetic positioning over Bluetooth beacons.
Intel and Qualcomm Enter the World of Silent Biometric Authentication
The world of digital commerce has realized that “who you are” matters much more than “what you know” and “what you have” when it comes to supporting trusted mobile commerce.
What HP’s $3 Billion Acquisition of Aruba Means for Indoor Location
With one of the largest deployments of location-aware services at the San Francisco 49ers’ Levi’s Stadium, Aruba is an ideal target for HP to enter the indoor location and proximity marketing space.
Opus Enterprise Series: “Best Practices for Voice Biometrics in the Enterprise”
In this second part of the Enterprise Series, Opus Research examines best practices for using voice biometrics for simple secure authentication in the enterprise across mobile, IVR, and contact centers.
Tropo Connect: InCall Apps Fulfill on the “Telco in Legoland” Promise
Today, with the announcement of Tropo Connect, the group will further whet the developer community’s appetite for construct-your-own applications and services, and give end-users new types of agility by invoking or launching “InCall Apps.”
The Beacon/Social Reviews Connection: What’s In Store for Indoor
More evidence of how the Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) aggregated footprint is poised to expand to support a better mobile customer experience
Opus Research Conference Highlights the Value of Virtual Assistants for Mobile and Enterprise Activities
Intelligent Assistants Conference 2015 to showcase real-world efforts to improve mobile customer experience, self-service efficiency, Web chat and Web-based interactions, and the future of the contact center.
MasterCard’s Cybersecurity Enchancements to Include Biometrics
MasterCard and First Tech Federal Credit Union will pilot a new service that will enable First Tech members to authenticate and verify their own transactions using a combination of biometric factors, which may include face, voice and fingerprints.
The Privacy Conundrum: Big Brother’s Threat to Intelligent Assistance
Time to strike a balance between the costs (in terms of loss of privacy, investment in time, exposure to hacking, etc) and the benefits of using devices and services that involve selective disclosure of personal information.
Investec Incorporates Voice Biometrics into Passive Client Authentication
Investec, a “specialist bank and asset manager” serving clients in the UK and Australia as well as South Africa, is replacing an authentication system that depended on PINs, passwords or challenge questions.