Speaking at last month’s Voice Leadership Forum in Sydney, Australia, Paul Magee, managing director with Salmat VeCommerce, predicted “an insurance company and bank are going live with its biometrics technology in the next few weeks.”
True to MaGee’s word, Australian life insurance and wealth management provider Aviva today announced the deployment of a voice biometric service to expedite the process of routing customers to appropriate resources over the phone. Utilizing Salmat VeCommerce’s VeSecure service, callers to Aviva can be quickly verified in order to access all insurance, investment and superannuation products. Enrollment to the service takes approximately two minutes, but Aviva guarantees “subsequent calls will be a faster and better experience.”
In a statement, Frank Lombardo, Group Director Operations at Aviva said, “Voice biometrics is yet another way in which Aviva is improving [customer] experience for both our customers and financial planners.”
Aviva has set up a website page to address frequently asked questions about the voice verification system and includes a prominent mention on the company’s home page.
Aviva Australia, combined with funds management arm Aviva Investors, manages or administers more than AUD$19.2 billion in funds for more than 350,000 customers. Both are part of the global Aviva group, the world’s fifth largest insurance group.