Recently there’s been a discussion in the voice community that boils down to the question: why are we so underwhelmed by voice experiences?
Intelligent Assistants
The #VoiceFirst User Interface Has a Use Case Fit Problem
To avoid crucial mistakes, builders of voice experiences should first ask if voice is the right user interface for any given use case.
Opus Research Report: “Decision Makers’ Guide to Enterprise Intelligent Assistants (2021 Edition)”
Evaluating intelligent assistant solution providers to better understand natural-language technology, integration points, track record, and future vision for Conversational AI.
Webinar: The Shift to Customized Voice Assistants: How Will You Compete?
SoundHound Inc., and RAIN join Opus Research as they unveil global survey results on current trends, key challenges, and untapped opportunities of implementing custom voice assistants.
Opus Research Report: Conversational Engagement: A Clear Path from IVRs to IVAs
The global pandemic has accelerated IVRs’ evolution from an off-putting electronic gatekeeper into more helpful intelligent virtual assistants.
Amazon CCI and Conversational AI’s Commoditization Continuum
Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced several new partnerships and offers surrounding its Contact Center Intelligence (CCI) solutions.
Guest Post: Voice in 2021: From Hype to Value?
2021 promises to be a year of transition for voice assistance and audio services, including Alexa, Google Assistant and Bixby.
Welcome to 2021: The Year of Ubiquitous Intelligent Assistants
By the end of 2021, Intelligent Assistants (IAs) of the automated variety will be everywhere.
Face-to-Face With the Brand Through Zoom (Now Powered by AI)
In launching a marketplace for integrations and bots, Zoom is enabling enterprises to deliver compelling, branded videoconferencing customer experiences
Marchex’s Marketing Edge Demonstrates the Power of Conversational Intelligence
Leveraging NLP, conversational analytics and machine learning for call tracking and attribution can improve digital marketing performances.