Webinar: “Synthetic Voice and DeepFakes: What’s Real and What You Can Do About It”

A series of accounts in tech news outlets and mainstream newspapers make it sound like anybody with voice synthesis software can spoof their way through contact center authentication routines. Truth is, all of us have to be sensitive to how Deepfakes and Synthetic Voice can take advantage of security holes within business organizations.

Join this live, interactive webinar (Tuesday, April 18th) with Opus Research and ValidSoft to learn more about the rapidly evolving threat landscape and what you can do about it. Topics include:

  • Current challenges for security and authentication based on global survey results
  • Reality check on the impact of Synthetic Voice and Deepfakes
  • Deep dive into methods and practices for stepping up security without decrementing customer service or employee productivity
  • More modern approaches to thwarting emerging attacks

Register for this April 18th webinar above or directly at BrightTalk

Categories: Conversational Intelligence, Webcasts, Intelligent Authentication, Articles

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